Interior of a coffee shop, the word buzz on the right  in big orange neon letters
Interior of a coffee shop, the word buzz on the right  in big orange neon letters

Talking in Circles: Surviving the Buzzword Frenzy

Paul Kiernan

In the modern business, marketing, and tech world, buzzwords have become an ever-present fixture. They are the magic spells that sound impressive but often lack real substance.

There is a language for everything. Every profession has a language, and every generation has a language. These define the profession and often represent the generation. I have a language I use when I am being a copywriter, and I have a language I use when I am being an actor.

Phrases like “A ten out of twelve,” “dry run,” and “tech rehearsal” mean something to anyone in the theater business. They are precise to the industry. Doctors have doctor words, construction workers have their lexicon, and politicians have a changing vocabulary that they can pull from depending on the where and who of the situation. Most of these languages don’t translate wll into other professions, and those who use and understand them keep them within the context of where they belong.

However, there is a style of language that runs amok and has permeated every corner of the world. No matter where you go, you’re bound to find people who are fluent in buzz. This is especially true for anyone remotely connected to marketing, branding, and sales. These folks are proficient and powerful when wielding the language of the buzz—the buzzword.

A buzzword is a word or phrase that becomes popular and fashionable through frequent use. Buzzwords are often used to impress others or to represent popular opinions rather than to inform. They can be found in many contexts, including public discussions, marketing, and communications.

The key words to examine in that definition are: “... represent popular opinions rather than to inform.”

I have listened to people who are masters of the buzzword talk and walked away from the situation knowing nothing more than when I went in. It’s almost like having dinner where you don't actually eat anything; you just look at the pictures of the food. You leave the table with your belly feeling hungry and empty but your head full of … well... buzz.

The buzz is exactly what it sounds like—a thrum, a hum, an annoying buzz in your head. You cannot get rid of it, but it doesn’t do anything for you. But, some folks have mastered this language and use it instead of thought or action, answer or insight at every turn. It can be a nightmare for those not orientated to the buzz. So, that’s the topic of this blog: buzzwords, why, what, and how to survive. Perhaps we can even extract some meaning from the layers and layers of buzz we often face in business today.

So, let’s get the flow going, get our ducks in a row, attack the blocking and tackling situation, and … um … something with EVM to round out this barrage of buzz.

Shall we?


In the modern business, marketing, and tech world, buzzwords have become an ever-present fixture. They are the magic spells that sound impressive but often lack real substance. Words like "synergy," "disruptive," "innovation," and "scalability" are tossed around in meetings, emails, and presentations as if they carry tremendous meaning when in reality, many times, they serve more as verbal camouflage. Buzzwords have a tendency to give the illusion of depth without necessarily providing any. And while it’s easy to criticize their overuse, we all have to admit—there’s a certain genius in being able to talk for 10 minutes without really saying much of anything.

Let’s explore how to use buzzwords effectively—whether to survive in environments where they are the norm or to use them strategically without sounding like you’re part of the corporate jargon machine.

A dirty yellow newspaper rack with FREE printed on it, empty

The Art of Saying Nothing: Why Buzzwords Are So Powerful

At first glance, buzzwords may seem annoying, clutter communication, and make things unnecessarily complex. But their power lies in their ability to project an image of intelligence, progress, and action without having to provide real details. For instance, imagine you’re in a meeting about launching a new product. You could say:

  • “We need to improve our marketing approach.”

Or you could say:

  • “We need to leverage scalable synergies to optimize our market penetration strategy.”

In essence, both statements mean the same thing, but the latter makes you sound like a corporate wizard, even though it contains virtually no actionable content. This art of saying nothing while appearing to say something important is why buzzwords remain so powerful in corporate environments.

The Psychological Impact

Buzzwords trigger feelings of familiarity and credibility. They are often associated with high-level discussions and important decisions, so their use signals that you’re in the know. If you sprinkle in enough buzzwords, you can command attention, even if the content of your words is thin.

Buzzwords can also give a sense of exclusivity. In any industry, jargon and acronyms act as gatekeepers—either you understand them or you don’t. Knowing how to wield buzzwords properly gives you access to the insider club, making others feel like they need to keep up with your intellect.

How to Master Buzzwords: The Key to Sounding Smart Without Substance

Mastering the use of buzzwords is all about timing, context, and delivery. Here are some essential techniques to help you survive in a world filled with corporate jargon:

Know When to Deploy Buzzwords

Buzzwords work best when they’re used sparingly and strategically. They lose their impact if every sentence you say is filled with them. Choose your moments wisely—such as when summing up your thoughts at the end of a meeting or when presenting a big idea to leadership.

For example:

  • In the middle of a heated debate, you could say, “At the end of the day, it’s about aligning our core competencies to drive transformative growth.”

Boom. Meeting over. Everyone nods in agreement because it sounds smart and official. You’ve wrapped everything up without offering any concrete solutions, but it feels like you did.

Blend Them with Actual Content

One of the keys to using buzzwords effectively is to mix them with real, actionable content. You don’t want to come across as a complete empty suit. A good technique is to start with a buzzword and immediately follow it up with a concrete idea or data point.

For instance:

  • “Our goal should be to optimize our agile methodologies by enhancing team collaboration through real-time feedback loops.”

This statement starts with a buzzword (“optimize our agile methodologies”) but then grounds it in something concrete (“team collaboration through real-time feedback loops”).

Use the Right Buzzwords for the Right Audience

Not all buzzwords are created equal. What works in one industry might not work in another. For example, the tech industry is full of terms like “cloud-native,” “blockchain,” and “DevOps,” while the marketing industry uses phrases like “customer journey,” “growth hacking,” and “brand alignment.”

Understanding your audience is crucial. Using the wrong buzzword in the wrong setting will make you sound out of touch rather than insightful. For example, discussing “agile frameworks” in a conversation with HR might fall flat, whereas “employee engagement strategies” would make more sense.

 woman's hands with blue nail polish holding a red and white coffee mug with Hugs & Hot Cocoa written on it

The Most Popular Buzzwords and How to Use Them

To truly survive the buzzword landscape, it’s essential to understand the buzzwords you’re likely to encounter and how they’re typically used. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular and best ways to deploy them.


One of the OGs of the buzzword world, "synergy," implies that working together will yield greater results than working alone. It sounds sophisticated but often serves as a vague stand-in for basic collaboration.

Example: “We need to create synergies between departments to optimize our workflow.”


They describe anything that slightly changes the status quo, whether or not it’s groundbreaking.

Example: “Our new marketing approach is disruptive to traditional methods.”


A favorite among tech entrepreneurs, “scalable” describes something that can grow without a proportional increase in resources. It’s perfect for those moments when you want to sound like you’ve considered the long-term.

Example: “We need a solution that is scalable as we expand our operations.”


This word gives the impression that you’re looking at the bigger picture, even if you aren’t. It’s great for making people think you have a 360-degree view of the situation.

Example: “We should take a holistic approach to customer retention, incorporating both digital and in-store strategies.”


This one is incredibly versatile. It essentially means "use," but it sounds fancier.

Example: “We can leverage our existing customer data to improve the user experience.”

How to See Through Buzzwords: Don't Get Caught in the Trap

While knowing how to use buzzwords is essential for survival in corporate environments, knowing how to see through them is just as important. Being able to cut through the jargon allows you to make better decisions and avoid falling into the trap of being impressed by language that lacks substance.

Ask for Clarity

If someone in a meeting is throwing around buzzwords without offering anything concrete, don’t be afraid to ask questions. For example, if someone says, “We need to pivot and leverage our assets to drive synergy,” ask them what they actually mean by “pivot” or “leverage our assets.” This forces the speaker to clarify their vague statements with real, actionable information.

Focus on Outcomes

Buzzwords often disguise a lack of focus on measurable outcomes. Whenever you hear jargon, steer the conversation back to tangible results. For example, “That sounds great, but what specific outcomes are we targeting?”

Simplify the Complex

One of the best ways to counter the overuse of buzzwords is to simplify complex ideas. When discussing a project, focus on what needs to be done, why, and how rather than getting bogged down in jargon. Clear communication is often more impressive than trying to sound overly intellectual.

A broken down building with a neon sign on the side announcing BINGO

Buzzword Bingo: Turning Jargon into Fun

Now that you’re well-versed in surviving the buzzword jungle, why not have some fun with it? One of the best ways to get through a particularly buzzword-heavy meeting is to play “Buzzword Bingo.” Create a bingo card with the most common buzzwords in your industry, and mark them off as you hear them. It’s a lighthearted way to stay engaged and can even improve your listening skills—just don’t shout “Bingo!” in the middle of a presentation!

Summing Up

Buzzwords are here to stay. While they can be frustrating, knowing how to use them strategically can give you a significant edge in your career. By understanding when to deploy them, blending them with real content, and recognizing when they’re being used to obfuscate rather than clarify, you can confidently navigate the corporate landscape.

So, the next time you’re in a meeting, and someone starts talking about "leveraging scalable synergies to disrupt the market," you’ll understand them and know exactly how to play the game.